US-CERT is aware of multiple vulnerabilities that affect CA BrightStor ARCserve Backup. These vulnerabilities may allow a remote, unauthenticated attacker to execute arbitrary code, escalate privileges or cause a denial-of-service condition.
More information regarding these vulnerabilities can be found in the CA BrightStor ARCserve Backup Security Notice.
- Oct 12 Fri 2007 15:40
CA BrightStor ARCserve Backup Vulnerabilities
- Oct 12 Fri 2007 15:17
JVN#63304072 MouseoverDictionary において任意のスクリプトが実行される脆弱性

Mozilla Firefox 用の拡張機能である MouseoverDictionary には、任意のスクリプトが実行される脆弱性が存在します。
- バージョン0.6.1 およびそれ以前
- Oct 12 Fri 2007 15:15
JVN#71872818 AirStation WZR-RS-G54 および AirStation WZR-RS-G54HP におけるクロスサイトリクエストフォージェリの脆弱性

バッファロー製無線 LAN ルータである AirStation WZR-RS-G54 および AirStation WZR-RS-G54HP には、クロスサイトリクエストフォージェリの脆弱性が存在します。
- WZR-RS-G54 ファームウェア Ver.2.46 およびそれ以前
- WZR-RS-G54HP ファームウェア Ver.2.43 およびそれ以前
- Oct 12 Fri 2007 15:10
Storm gets cute
- Oct 12 Fri 2007 15:02
Should We Be Legally Obligated to Fix Vulnerabilities?
Security people deal with the scenario all the time: An organization's internal IT people find a vulnerability, or a third-party security assessment firm finds a vulnerability, but there's no leverage to get upper management to approve a fix.
The lack of legal obligation to fix known vulnerabilities is enough to get your blood boiling, particularly were you to have read a recent discussion on this topic on the blog of WhiteHat Security's Jeremiah Grossman.
- Oct 12 Fri 2007 14:55
Bringing Security into the Development Process
When it comes to data leaks, most of the talk is about hackers breaking into networks or employees e-mailing and downloading sensitive information. But some vendors are paying more attention to the preproduction environment, where there are often security holes big enough to push a hard drive through.
"The development environment and quality assurance environment have always been…significantly more open and free," said Louis Carpenito, former vice president of information security business strategy at Symantec.
- Oct 12 Fri 2007 14:50
Microsoft Fixes Excel Calculation Bug
Microsoft says it has fixed an Excel bug, which caused the spreadsheet to display erroneous calculation results, even though it performed the calculation correctly and stored it in Excel's memory.
In an Oct. 9 posting on the Excel section of MSDN [Microsoft Developer Network,] the Excel Team served notice that, "as of today, fixes for this issue in Excel 2007 and Excel Services 2007 are available for download. Microsoft acknowledged the problem about two weeks ago on MSDN involving the calculation of numbers in its ever-popular Excel software program.
- Oct 12 Fri 2007 14:46
Oracle Security Update to Plug 51 Holes
A critical patch update from Oracle planned for next Tuesday includes 51 security fixes affecting numerous Oracle products.
According to an advisory posted on the application vendor's Web site, 27 of the fixes address issues in Oracle's database products, five of which concern vulnerabilities that can be exploited remotely without user authentication.
- Oct 12 Fri 2007 10:05
2007 年「網際空間:資安、犯罪與法律社會」學術研究暨實務研討會
2007 年「網際空間:資安、犯罪與法律社會」
(Cyberspace2007: Cybersecurity, Cybercrime and Cyberlaw)
- Oct 11 Thu 2007 17:32
Police Academy in India Hosting a Phishing Site
SVP National Police Academy in Hyderabad, India has had some sort of compromise on their website.
- Oct 11 Thu 2007 17:27
- Oct 11 Thu 2007 16:22
Adobe 證實其軟件存在嚴重漏洞 月末將發佈新補丁
Adobe公司最近在一份在線安全諮詢文檔上提到一個代碼執行漏洞被包含在Adobe Reader V8.1以及其它版本例如 Adobe Acrobat Standard、Adobe Acrobat Professional、Adobe Acrobat Elements 8.1和Adobe Acrobat 3D中,這個漏洞將會影響微軟的Windows XP和Internet Explorer 7。Adobe目前還沒有發佈安全補丁,不過已經提出了緊急應對措施。
Adobe同時在文檔中表示,目前正在準備升級 Adobe Reader V8.1和Acrobat V8.1,並儘可能在10月底前發佈補丁。
- Oct 11 Thu 2007 16:21
微軟發佈10月補丁程序 七個補丁修補九個軟件漏洞
- Oct 11 Thu 2007 16:20
Sun證實Solaris系統存在漏洞 可遠程運行惡意代碼
Sun公司日前面向用戶發佈警告稱,Sun Solaris系統存在多個遠程代碼執行漏洞,因此建議用戶提高警惕,在必要的情況下可關閉Font服務器。
- Oct 11 Thu 2007 16:18
eBay服務器再次遭遇黑客攻擊 部分帳戶已受其影響
eBay發言人尼古拉·夏普(Nichola Sharpe)表示:「我們很快就阻斷了惡意黑客的入侵,他還沒來得及給我們造成永久性的破壞。這名黑客並沒有獲得訪問財務信息或其它敏感信息的機會。」同時稱,eBay已經恢復了受到黑客入侵影響的帳號,並通知了相關用戶。不過,她並未透露黑客究竟訪問和修改了多少帳號。