Published: 2007-10-22,
Last Updated: 2007-10-22 20:58:04 UTC
by donald smith (Version: 1)

ivan0914 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

時 間 議 程 主講人
[ 上午場 ]
08:30~09:00 上午場報到
09:00~09:10 開幕貴賓致詞 經濟部工業局永續發展組 / 楊伯耕 組長
中研院資訊所 / 李德財 所長
09:10~10:00 Keynote:
中華軟協資安促進會 / 陳振楠 會長
10:00~10:50 資安應用趨勢:資安應用發展趨勢分析 資策會 MIC / 王義智 產業分析師
10:50~11:00 Break Time
11:00~11:50 資安應用趨勢:國內 2008 資安市場預測與期許 資安人雜誌 / 侍家驊 編輯總監
[ 下午場 ]
13:00~13:30 下午場報到
13:30~13:35 主持人開場
13:35~15:15 技術應用論壇(一):網路通訊之內容安全技術

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電線電纜產業服務網被植入惡意連結,此惡意程式為 PE_LOOKED.GEN、BKDR_HUPIGON.EVG 和其他惡意程式,最近有瀏覽這個網頁的網友,應該要盡速檢查自己的電腦,請各位暫時不要瀏覽這個網站,以免中毒。(Credit: 匿名網友)


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RealNetworks產品開發總經理Russ Ryan星期五(10月19日)在博客中稱,RealNetworks已經製作了RealPlayer 10.5和11版本的補丁,修復了賽門鐵克發現的安全漏洞。該公司將將通過這個博客和公司安全更新網頁在星期五晚些時候向用戶提供這個補丁。

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國光客運網站被植入惡意連結,此惡意程式為 TROJ_HEURI.AW,最近有瀏覽這個網頁的網友,應該要盡速檢查自己的電腦,請各位暫時不要瀏覽這個網站,以免中毒。(Credit: Jimau 和匿名網友)


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中國國民黨網站被植入惡意連結,最近有瀏覽這個網頁的網友,應該要盡速檢查自己的電腦,請各位暫時不要瀏覽這個網站,以免中毒。(Credit: Jimau)


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一直在認真研究這個問題的安全研究人員之一Nathan McFeters稱,他希望在本星期在聖地亞哥舉行的Toorcon黑客會議上介紹Linux和Mac OS X等其它基於Unix的操作系統也存在URI(統一資源識別符)協議處理程序安全漏洞的細節。

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pD.#C?3 在頻頻惡意攻擊用戶、系統漏洞層出不窮的今天,作為網絡管理員、系統管理員雖然在服務器的安全上都下了不少功夫,諸如及時打上系統安全補丁、進行一些常規 的安全配置,但有時仍不安全。因此必須惡意用戶入侵之前,通過一些系列安全設置,來將入侵者們擋在「安全門」之外,下面就將最簡單、最有效的防 (Overflow)溢出、本地提供權限攻擊類的解決辦法給大家分享。  
&X8>T 13  
)pM(v \e   一、如何防止溢出類攻擊 

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iDefense has published an advisory for a high-risk vulnerability in the Kaspersky online virus scanner which was discovered by Stephen Fewer of Harmony Security. You can read the full iDefense advisory here:

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When I first started thinking about how to approach this topic, my mind instantly went to the technical side such as centralized patch management and staggered deployments etc. It would be very easy to present a checklist of do's and don'ts pertaining to updates and patching. However, when you think about it, the "non-technical" side is just as important.

Consider this statement made by Robert Conquest in his book called "Reflections on a Ravaged Century":

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[welcome our new handler, Mari Kirby Nichols! JBU]

One of the first ways to start a security discussion is with physical security.  Yes, I know this is a technical forum, but really, is the system secure physically?  Make sure the location can be secured.  Utilize some type of locking mechanism to keep the machine safe.  This may be a cable lock for a laptop computer or a lock on the CPU case.  This is a pretty basic rule, but surprisingly many people forget this essential component of cyber security.  One of the ways to increase your information security effort is to combine your program with the physical security department.  Have you met with them and pooled your resources?  Are you able to obtain audit logs of physical access as easily as you are able to pull up an event log?

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The Storm Worm botnet is now using 40-byte encryption on traffic running with the Overnet peer-to-peer protocol—a weak encryption scheme but one that allows a malware author to segment the botnet into smaller networks that soon may show up as turnkey spam botnets for sale in malware forums.

"It is [pretty weak encryption]. I don't think the point was to make [the botnet's activity stealthier] or harder to crack. I think the idea was to segment out the network" in order to sell off Storm variants, SecureWorks Senior Security Researcher Joe Stewart told eWEEK in an interview.

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