Motherboard manufacturers are pack rats. Something new catches their eye—such as HDMI or eSATA—and they've just got to add it to their next board. But invariably, these are additions without subtractions; today's most current boards carry legacy serial and parallel ports, and many have audio, video, and networking outputs that you're just not using. Each extra feature shares IRQs, potentially causing conflicts. To turn them off, reboot your PC and enter the BIOS, usually by pressing the Delete or F2 key; look for a menu titled Peripheral Configuration (or something similar). You can disable anything you aren't using with the push of a button. Save, reboot, sigh, and move on to the clutter on your desktop.
- Jul 11 Wed 2007 15:18
Insta-Hack: Clean Up Your Motherboard
- Jul 11 Wed 2007 15:17
Find Hidden Goodies With Google
— Neil J. Rubenking
Find Hidden Goodies With Google
Most people think of Google as a mechanical claw toy: They use it to fish a specific piece of information out of the giant pool of data we know as the Web. But turn that thinking upside down and you can see the hidden utility of the service. Rather than trolling for specific bits of data, search for specific kinds of data and you'll uncover all sorts of cool things.
- Jul 11 Wed 2007 15:14
Hack Everything
Hackers aren't magicians; they just like having things their way. To make your computer, Apple TV, or other device work for you doesn't require smoke and mirrors—you just need the right know-how.
- Jul 11 Wed 2007 15:10
- Jul 11 Wed 2007 09:42
Fake alert emails 偽造的警告信
又是出了新的騙人玩意兒 F-Secure Antivirus Research 發佈最新消息 偽造的警告信 |
- Jul 11 Wed 2007 09:28
- Jul 10 Tue 2007 13:44
- Jul 10 Tue 2007 12:18
- Jul 10 Tue 2007 12:09
探尋0-Day漏洞及其市場 利益先於補丁行
時間:2007-7-4 9:37:00 作者:賽迪網 出處:賽迪網 |
原文出處 |
一、什麼是0-Day漏洞 0-day漏洞是指在官方發佈Patch之前的漏洞,因此它使得絕大多數的機器都處於易受攻 擊,沒有任何保護,類似無藥可救的狀態。最常見的0-day漏洞都是由黑客或者安全組織發佈的,有時甚至會同時給出攻擊代碼,尤其是IE的0-day 漏洞,對於寫流氓軟件、病毒、木馬都是非常有用的。0-day漏洞公佈和官方Patch出現之間這個窗口期,是傳播的最佳時期。 每次出現一個0-day漏洞,就意味著有一大批的網絡用戶要遭殃了。為了讓讀者能明白其中的厲害關係,下面用圖示描述一下0-day的演變過程,如圖1所示意。 |
- Jul 10 Tue 2007 12:06
時間:2007-7-6 8:57:16 作者:網絡. 出處:網絡 |
原文出處 |
漏洞的形成 |
- Jul 10 Tue 2007 12:01
共享安全 推薦15款免費好用的安全軟件
時間:2007-7-9 11:50:32 作者:網絡 出處:網絡 |
原文出處 |
一打開個人電腦,就面臨著無數來自互聯網的威脅,包括間諜軟件、特洛伊木馬、主頁劫持,駭客總是想盡辦法想侵入系統。同時互聯網還不是唯一的威脅所在,任何可能接近您個人電腦的人,都可能侵犯您的隱私,僅僅偷看一下網站瀏覽記錄,就能夠瞭解到很多信息。 然而回擊也可以很簡單。這裡蒐集了15個很厲害的安全軟件,包括個人防火牆、反間諜、反病毒、rootkit清除器等互聯網安全工具,這些工具從各個方面防護您的個人電腦,非常強大,非常好用,最重要的是它們都是免費的,咱就喜歡這樣的。 防護和清除惡意軟件類 |
- Jul 10 Tue 2007 11:54
時間:2007-7-10 11:08:18 作者 出處:陳十三哥 | |
目前,使用ADSL的用戶越來越多,由於ADSL用戶在線時間長、速度快,因此成為黑客們的攻擊目標。現在網上出現了各種越來越詳細的「IP地址庫」,要知道一些ADSL用戶的IP是非常容易的事情。要怎麼保衛自己的網絡安全呢?不妨看看以下方法。 一、取消文件夾隱藏共享 |
- Jul 10 Tue 2007 11:46
比堤婚紗攝影網站被植入惡意連結,此惡意程式為 TROJ_NSPM 變種,最近有瀏覽這個網頁的網友,應該要盡速檢查自己的電腦,請各位暫時不要瀏覽這個網站,以免中毒。
- Jul 10 Tue 2007 10:35
歐洲逾萬網站遭駭 台灣使用者也要當心
原文網址 :,2000064574,20120465,00.htm
- Jul 10 Tue 2007 10:20
Web資安漏洞 跨站指令碼攻擊居首
原文網址 :,2000064574,20120565,00.htm