Running Firefox or Opera as a default browser won't save you from unpatched Internet Explorer vulnerabilities—a fact made explicit when a researcher showed how easy it is to put HTML inside files supported by Windows Media Player.
Researcher Petko D. Petkov said in a Sept. 18 blog posting that he's found that a fully patched Windows XP Service Pack 2 system running Internet Explorer 6 or 7 along with Windows Media Player 9—the default, although the media player is now up to Version 11—will open any page of an attacker's choice even if the default browser is not Internet Explorer.
- Sep 26 Wed 2007 11:32
Firefox Won't Save You from IE Flaws
- Sep 26 Wed 2007 11:29
Researcher Publishes Apple Wi-Fi Exploit Details
A researcher has published details of how he and a colleague broke into a MacBook via a flaw in its wireless drivers at Black Hat last year.
Errata Security Chief Technology Officer David Maynor published the details in an article in the September issue of Uninformed, an online security research magazine.
- Sep 26 Wed 2007 11:24
Critical Zero-Day PDF Bug Compromises Windows PCs
A zero-day PDF vulnerability in Adobe's Acrobat Reader has come to light that can lead to Windows boxes getting taken over completely and invisibly, according to a security researcher.
"All it takes is to open a [maliciously rigged] PDF document or stumble across a page which embeds one," said researcher Petko D. Petkov, aka pdp, in a blog posting on Sept. 20.
- Sep 26 Wed 2007 11:19
iPhone hackers say 'relock' on the way
If you hacked your iPhone to run other applications or use it on other networks, the iPhone Dev Team wants you to wait before installing Apple's forthcoming software update. The group credited with opening up the iPhone to both application development and networks other than AT&T's says it will have a fix out next week that will allow you to restore that iPhone to its factory settings, according to a statement attributed to the group that was posted on The Unofficial Apple Weblog. On Monday Apple warned iPhone users who had installed software for unlocking their phones that an iPhone update expected later this week could potentially break their phones, and that just downloading the unlocking software voids the iPhone warranty. However, the iPhone Dev Team took issue with Apple's statement. "The removal of the lock, a bug, was a major step forward in the iPhone development. ...The removal of those firmware problems, which were built in in (sic) favor for AT&T, does not cause "damage" as they want to make us believe." The group promised to have a fix out next week that would relock the phones, which would ostensibly cover your tracks and let you bring your iPhone in for warranty service. But the statement also seemed to indicate that the hackers would immediately set upon Apple's iPhone update and find a way to make the unlocking software work with the update. Apple doesn't really want you using the iPhone on networks other than AT&T's, or the European carriers announced last week. Part of it is to maintain the stability of its latest baby, but a good deal of it is probably related to the revenue-sharing deals Apple has struck with its carriers. If you don't use AT&T's network to download data, Apple doesn't see as much revenue. The individuals behind the iPhone Dev Team, who prefer to remain anonymous for obvious reasons, feel that they should be allowed to do whatever they want with the iPhone, since they bought it. "Apple now announces that the next firmware update, expected later this week, will possibly break the handset of all of us free users in the World. It speaks of 'damage' done to the firmware and 'unauthorized access' to our own property," the group said in the statement. It's not clear how many people have hacked their iPhones. Apple said earlier this month that it had sold 1 million since it was introduced June 29. The iPhone Dev Team said "several hundred thousand" iPhone users had hacked their phones, based on downloading statistics. But that seems awfully high, according to Shaw Wu of American Technology Research.
- Sep 26 Wed 2007 10:45
- Sep 26 Wed 2007 10:43
臺灣文學年鑑資料庫網站被植入惡意連結,此惡意程式為 TROJ_DELF.HYF 或 Trojan-PSW.Win32.Maran.kf,最近有瀏覽這個網頁的網友,應該要盡速檢查自己的電腦,請各位暫時不要瀏覽這個網站,以免中毒。
- Sep 26 Wed 2007 10:41
[大砲開講]哈日第一台 JET TV 網站又被植入惡意連結
哈日第一台 JET TV 網站又被植入惡意連結,此惡意程式為 Possible_Infostl,最近有瀏覽這個網頁的網友,應該要盡速檢查自己的電腦,請各位暫時不要瀏覽這個網站,以免中毒。
- Sep 26 Wed 2007 09:39
主題酷網站被植入惡意連結,此惡意程式為 Possible_Infostl,最近有瀏覽這個網頁的網友,應該要盡速檢查自己的電腦,請各位暫時不要瀏覽這個網站,以免中毒。(Credit: Wayne)
- Sep 26 Wed 2007 09:37
[大砲開講]KimoG 奇檬子心情留言網被植入惡意連結
KimoG 奇檬子心情留言網被植入惡意連結,此惡意程式為 TROJ_DLOADER.PMG,最近有瀏覽這個網頁的網友,應該要盡速檢查自己的電腦,請各位暫時不要瀏覽這個網站,以免中毒。
- Sep 26 Wed 2007 09:35
VIP生活網被植入惡意連結,此惡意程式為 Trojan-PSW.Win32.OnLineGames.dky,最近有瀏覽這個網頁的網友,應該要盡速檢查自己的電腦,請各位暫時不要瀏覽這個網站,以免中毒。
- Sep 26 Wed 2007 09:33
開南大學應用日語學系網站被植入惡意連結,此惡意程式為 WORM_RBOT.GBG,最近有瀏覽這個網頁的網友,應該要盡速檢查自己的電腦,請各位暫時不要瀏覽這個網站,以免中毒。
- Sep 17 Mon 2007 15:10
Microsoft Patches Tackle Evil Clippy
Microsoft is throttling a potentially evil paperclip this Patch Tuesday: Namely, a critical vulnerability in its Microsoft Agent—aka "Clippy"—that can open a system up to hijacking.
The security advisory for Microsoft Agent, MS07-051, is the only critical release out of four security advisories the company put out on Sept. 11. It addresses a vulnerability whereby Clippy can get hoodwinked by a malicious URL and can then be used to take over a targeted system without ever appearing to the user.
- Sep 17 Mon 2007 12:57
"AUTO病毒18032"(Win32.Troj.Agent.18032)和"網遊盜竊者xd"(Win32.Troj.OnlineGames.xd.31232)。 "AUTO病毒18032" (Win32.Troj.Agent.18032)這是一個木馬程序。 "網遊盜竊者xd"(Win32.Troj.OnlineGames.xd.31232)這是一個盜號木馬。
- Sep 17 Mon 2007 12:54
- Sep 17 Mon 2007 12:53