- Oct 05 Fri 2007 14:33
[轉貼]國際「黑客」猖獗震驚全球 解密黑客七大類
- Oct 05 Fri 2007 14:31
在2007年上半年,微軟是最易被攻擊的,被攻擊次數最多,Apple第二位,Oracle第三。IBM的Internet Security Systems' X-Force R&D部門在當地時間9月17日公佈了這份全球攻擊報告。具體數字如下:
- Oct 05 Fri 2007 14:28
[轉貼]俄羅斯黑客發表文章 指出卡巴斯基6.0和7.0留後門
EP_X0FF是著名的俄羅斯黑客,曾開發過Rootkit Unhooker,Process walker等國際領先的反ROOTKIT軟件,並擔任微軟SysInternals技術論壇的Malware(惡意軟件)版版主。
- Oct 05 Fri 2007 14:25
[轉貼]安全隱患依然 三種系統漏洞至今無法解決
安全隱患依然 三種系統漏洞至今無法解決
Web安全應用公司Watchire的安全研究總監Danny Allan總結到:這是幾年來第一次,人們走出黑客大會的主會場,搖頭聳肩表示無奈,因為有一些漏洞之今仍沒有解決方案。
- Oct 03 Wed 2007 15:38
JVN#61208749 Webmin における OS コマンドインジェクションの脆弱性
ウェブベースのシステム管理ツールである Webmin には、許可されていない Webmin ユーザが OS コマンドを実行できる脆弱性があります。
Windows 版 Webmin 1.360 およびそれ以前
- Oct 03 Wed 2007 11:59
Hackers Push Trojan With Promises of 'Nude Angelina Jolie' Pics
Malware writers in September were sending out waves of spam in an attempt to infect computers with the Pushdo Trojan horse by offering pictures of naked female celebrities.
By Sharon Gaudin
- Oct 03 Wed 2007 11:57
Top 14 VoIP vulnerabilities
he new book “Securing VoIP Networks,” the vulnerable side of VoIP
By Ellen Messmer, Network World, 10/01/07
- Oct 03 Wed 2007 11:54
Simulated attack shows vulnerable U.S. power infrastructure
A report this week on CNN that showed how a software vulnerability in a control system could be used to physically destroy power grid equipment refocused attention on an issue that some have been quietly trying to fix for several years.
The CNN segment, which aired Thursday, showed a turbine being reduced to a smoking, shuddering, metal spewing mess as the result of malicious code execution on the computer controlling the system.
- Oct 03 Wed 2007 11:51
CERT Advances Secure Coding Standards
he secure coding movement got a little boost today as CERT and Fortify Software announced that they have teamed up to automate part of the process of building security into software -- specifically, automating compliance with CERT's C and C++ Secure Coding Standard.
CERT is translating its guidelines into a coding format that will run on Fortify's Source Code Analysis tool. The resulting software module will be available for free from CERT, so other tool vendors can convert it to their products, and organizations that do in-house testing can use it with their tools as well.
- Oct 03 Wed 2007 11:46
Leaky Spy Tools?
Case in point: Mobile-Spy for Windows Mobile.
- Oct 03 Wed 2007 11:43
Hackers Control PCs While Users Unaware
BOSTON - A few weeks ago Candace Locklear's office computer quietly started sending out dozens of instant messages with photos attached that were infected with malicious software.
She was sitting at her desk, with no sign that the messaging software was active. By the time she figured out what was going on, several friends and colleagues had opened the attachments and infected their computers.
- Oct 03 Wed 2007 11:40
Web SWAT Initiative Targets Threats
October 1, 2007
By Brian Prince
- Oct 03 Wed 2007 10:11
You Wouldn't Actually Turn Off Your Firewall, Would You?
October 1, 2007
By Larry Seltzer
For weeks now I've been thinking on and off about "deperimeterization," a term that has been used in a variety of ways for years. Some analyst talk got it in the news recently.
- Oct 03 Wed 2007 09:39
Comparison Shows Very Little Shift in PCI Failures
October 1, 2007
By Evan Schuman
- Oct 03 Wed 2007 09:34
iPhone Security Hellhole?
By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols
October 2, 2007