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7btkNA\z*   1. 外掛輪詢技術 

ivan0914 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

%F ^DVrL 訪談時間: 2007.8.31日,下午13:00-15:00  
  訪談主題: 關於中國網頁防篡改技術分析 f4Xh5V  
  訪談地點: 賽迪網技術社區-網絡安全版塊與賽迪網技術交流群 ']f*TL?!  

ivan0914 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0

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Secunia Advisory: SA26761  
Release Date: 2007-09-10

Moderately critical
Impact: Unknown

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Secunia Advisory: SA26733  
Release Date: 2007-09-10

Less critical
Impact: Cross Site Scripting

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Secunia Advisory: SA26732  
Release Date: 2007-09-10

Highly critical
Impact: System access

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Secunia Advisory: SA26551  
Release Date: 2007-09-10

Less critical
Impact: Cross Site Scripting

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Posted by Mikko @ 22:37 GMT
A Skype worm is going around. It's spreading via Skype's instant-messaging functionality (Skype Chat). Users receive messages from their friends with links to innocent-looking URLs along these lines:[removed]/dsc027.jpg[removed]/dsc027.jpg Although the links look like they are pointing to an image, they are not. Instead, they point to a page that will try to download a program called DSC027.SCR to your machine. We've seen at least two different versions of this malware so far. When run, they both display one of the default built-in wallpapers in Windows (Soap Bubbles.bmp):

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Brian Krebs posted an article "Banner Ad Trojan Served on MySpace, Photobucket", although this is not the first time RightMedia (now owned by Yahoo) has been discovered serving up malicious code via their servers. I blogged about this previously, as has Sandi Hardmeier reports "Right Media was implicated in the distribution of winfixer malware".

Brian goes on to report "The banner ads in question were traced back to an ad network exchange run by a company called RightMedia, which was recently bought by Yahoo!. The ads were being delivered to RightMedia's network from a third-party ad server. According to ScanSafe, those third-party servers included in their rotation several malicious ads that used Macromedia Flash files to load an invisible "iFrame" (used to insert content from another Web site into the current Web page)."

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近幾個月以來在Windows Live Messenger(MSN)使用者間傳佈、以相片作為誘餌的病毒疑似出現Skype版本。Skype台灣區總代理PChome Online今表示陸續接獲用戶與內部使用者發出疑似Skype病毒的通報指出,在收到Skype連絡人傳來的連結,點擊並下載、執行該連結指向的圖片檔後,便會發生Skype被強制停留在「勿打擾」狀態,無法更動、使用的狀況,且會持續送出該惡意連結給其他連絡人,「如同把Skype綁架,」 PChome Online行銷處總監曾薰儀說。

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Microsoft is planning to release five security bulletins on September's Patch Tuesday.

While only one—a vulnerability in Windows—is deemed critical, three of the advisories address vulnerabilities that can lead to system takeover: the Windows flaw, flaws in MSN Messenger and Windows Live Messenger, and holes in Visual Studio.

The IM client vulnerability in particular should be given priority, experts say.

"If the Windows Messenger vulnerability lends itself to a chat-based attack vector, then organizations and users of the ubiquitous Microsoft Messenger should pay attention, because this would be a prime candidate for spreading malware and viruses," said Paul Zimski, senior director of market and product strategy for PatchLink, in a statement.

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Robert Whiteley and Natalie Lambert have seen the future—and in it, traditional network security is dead. At least that is the message the two Forrester Research analysts delivered to a crowd at the Forrester Security Forum in Atlanta Sept. 6.
According to them, in the next five years the Internet will be the primary connectivity method for businesses, replacing their private network infrastructure as the number of mobile workers, contractors and other third-party users continues to grow. In this new world, which Whiteley and Lambert called "Internet Everywhere," corporations will have to redefine network security and focus on data encryption, managing risk at the endpoint and having strict data access controls, they said.

Some corporations, such as the energy giant BP, have already taken big steps towards deperimeterization—a term created by the Jericho Forum to describe a strategy that focuses on protecting data with tactics such as encryption rather than traditional efforts aimed at fending off attacks from intruders at the network's boundary. BP has taken some 18,000 of its 85,000 laptops off its LAN and allowed them to connect directly to the Internet, the two said.

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Apple on Thursday morning issued a security update for iTunes. The update is for users of Mac OS X v10.3.9, Mac OS X v10.4.7 or later and Windows XP and Vista. It addresses a vulnerability identified in CVE-2007-3752.

According to Apple, opening a maliciously crafted music file may lead to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution. Specifically, a buffer overflow exists in the way that iTunes processes album cover art. By enticing a user to open a maliciously crafted music file, an attacker may trigger the overflow, which may lead to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution. Apple credits David Thiel of iSEC Partners for reporting this vulnerability.

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I had just finished writing up this story of a European country with a defense agency site that's got its database dangling out for all the world to play with, when Exploit Prevention Labs Chief Technology Officer Roger Thompson pointed to about a dozen poisoned government sites that are hosting pages serving malware and porn.

Thompson says that he expects there are many more, which wouldn't surprise me—a quick Google search yesterday turned up plenty.

EPL reports that the hacked .gov sites are dishing out malware via drive-by download and social engineering. The front pages give off no clues of having been compromised, but they're hosting pages that serve junk. EPL has identified city governments such as lasalle, il and frenchsettlement-la as being compromised.

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