微軟2003 SP2終於出現了
但是目前只提供 32位元版本英文/德文版本下載,而且他似乎包含去年有補跟沒補的弱點
為何會這樣說呢 所謂有補的版本是指2005-2006年有出HotFix,
如MS05-019~MS06-072多項弱點CAN-2004-1060 TCP/IP Stack
CAN-2004-1173 MSIE~DOM與動態網頁 遠端攻擊弱點 、CVE-2005-2388 USB driver緩衝區溢位等弱點,卻到現在才一起包給你真是令人感動. by DragonSoft - Jason Lin
Windows Server 2003 SP2 / one new patch for XPSP2 after all
Published: 2007-03-13,
Last Updated: 2007-03-14 17:04:54 UTC by Kyle Haugsness (Version: 5)
Microsoft published Windows Server 2003 SP2 today, see http://www.microsoft.com/technet/windowsserver/sp2.mspx for details. There is also a blocker tool available that you can use if you don't want your 2003 servers to automatically update through Windows Update at this time. We from ISC recommend that you roll 2003SP2 into your normal update cycle like any other set of patches -- test, then apply. As far as we can tell from the descriptions, this really is more a service pack than a feature pack this time, so the number of surprises might well be smaller than was the case with SP1.
It also looks like patch 929338 for XPSP2 has been moved from the "patch only if affected" to the general release on Windows Update this month.