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現今的網絡,安全越來越受到大家的重視,在構建網絡安全環境時,在技術手段,管理制度等方面都逐步加強,設置防火牆,安裝入侵檢測系統等等。但網絡安全是個全方位的問題,忽略哪一點都會造成木桶效應,使得整個安全系統虛設。本文從分析Web服務器的logging記錄來找出漏洞,防範攻擊,從而加強Web 服務器安全。


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ivan0914 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

安全隱患依然 三種系統漏洞至今無法解決
Web安全應用公司Watchire的安全研究總監Danny Allan總結到:這是幾年來第一次,人們走出黑客大會的主會場,搖頭聳肩表示無奈,因為有一些漏洞之今仍沒有解決方案。

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Sophos added remote connection tools to its list of blocked devices on its Sophos Endpoint Security and Control, shutting a new window on threats, company officials said Sept. 25.

Remote connection tools like RealVNC and Radmin that allow employees to access remote-based PCs or laptops from any other computer via the Internet, though often unendorsed by IT management, are common tools used by staff and represent an end-run around corporate computer usage policies, Sophos contends.

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Microsoft is throttling a potentially evil paperclip this Patch Tuesday: Namely, a critical vulnerability in its Microsoft Agent—aka "Clippy"—that can open a system up to hijacking.

The security advisory for Microsoft Agent, MS07-051, is the only critical release out of four security advisories the company put out on Sept. 11. It addresses a vulnerability whereby Clippy can get hoodwinked by a malicious URL and can then be used to take over a targeted system without ever appearing to the user.

Clippy—officially known as Clippit—met its demise in Office 2007, but this vulnerability still affects the agent as it exists in Microsoft Windows 2000 SP4.

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gY7X 一、三種技術 
7btkNA\z*   1. 外掛輪詢技術 

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%F ^DVrL 訪談時間: 2007.8.31日,下午13:00-15:00  
  訪談主題: 關於中國網頁防篡改技術分析 f4Xh5V  
  訪談地點: 賽迪網技術社區-網絡安全版塊與賽迪網技術交流群 ']f*TL?!  

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Microsoft is planning to release five security bulletins on September's Patch Tuesday.

While only one—a vulnerability in Windows—is deemed critical, three of the advisories address vulnerabilities that can lead to system takeover: the Windows flaw, flaws in MSN Messenger and Windows Live Messenger, and holes in Visual Studio.

The IM client vulnerability in particular should be given priority, experts say.

"If the Windows Messenger vulnerability lends itself to a chat-based attack vector, then organizations and users of the ubiquitous Microsoft Messenger should pay attention, because this would be a prime candidate for spreading malware and viruses," said Paul Zimski, senior director of market and product strategy for PatchLink, in a statement.

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Robert Whiteley and Natalie Lambert have seen the future—and in it, traditional network security is dead. At least that is the message the two Forrester Research analysts delivered to a crowd at the Forrester Security Forum in Atlanta Sept. 6.
According to them, in the next five years the Internet will be the primary connectivity method for businesses, replacing their private network infrastructure as the number of mobile workers, contractors and other third-party users continues to grow. In this new world, which Whiteley and Lambert called "Internet Everywhere," corporations will have to redefine network security and focus on data encryption, managing risk at the endpoint and having strict data access controls, they said.

Some corporations, such as the energy giant BP, have already taken big steps towards deperimeterization—a term created by the Jericho Forum to describe a strategy that focuses on protecting data with tactics such as encryption rather than traditional efforts aimed at fending off attacks from intruders at the network's boundary. BP has taken some 18,000 of its 85,000 laptops off its LAN and allowed them to connect directly to the Internet, the two said.

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I had just finished writing up this story of a European country with a defense agency site that's got its database dangling out for all the world to play with, when Exploit Prevention Labs Chief Technology Officer Roger Thompson pointed to about a dozen poisoned government sites that are hosting pages serving malware and porn.

Thompson says that he expects there are many more, which wouldn't surprise me—a quick Google search yesterday turned up plenty.

EPL reports that the hacked .gov sites are dishing out malware via drive-by download and social engineering. The front pages give off no clues of having been compromised, but they're hosting pages that serve junk. EPL has identified city governments such as lasalle, il and frenchsettlement-la as being compromised.

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在網絡給我們的工作學習帶來極大方便的同時,病毒、木馬、後門以及黑客程序也嚴重影響著信息的安全。這些程序感染計算機的一個共同特點是在註冊表中 寫入信息,來達到如自動運行、破壞和傳播等目的。以下是筆者在網上收集的,通過修改註冊表來對付病毒、木馬、後門以及黑客程序,保證個人計算機的安全。




  在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Network\RealModeNet下修改右邊窗口中的「autologon」為「01 00 00 00 00」。

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Published: 2007-08-26,
Last Updated: 2007-08-26 22:13:44 UTC
by Pedro Bueno (Version: 1)

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