Posted by Mikko @ 17:27 GMT | Comments (2)

It's December, and we've already seen the first malware runs using fake Christmas Cards as the lure.

Here's an example that we saw today:

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November 30, 2007
By  Lisa Vaas

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December 3, 2007
By  Lisa Vaas

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Humans have replaced buggy software to become the primary target of online crime, the SANS Institute concluded in its annual list of Internet security threats, released Nov. 27.

"This year for the first time we're reporting that one of the most critical risks is attacks against people, where attackers focus on executives," said Alan Paller, director of the SANS Institute, in a call with media following the posting of the list. In fact, spear-phishing executives and rich people even rated a new term in 2007: It's called "whaling," drawing on the Las Vegas habit of referring to rich gamblers as "whales."

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·專家警告說明年Vista將成黑客眾矢之的    ·索尼新款PSP遊戲機兩月銷量已達100萬


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安全研究人員表示已經出現了針對Apple的QuickTime中存在的bug的攻擊代碼,並且補充道離針對XP和Vista的攻擊代碼已經不遠矣。但他們沒有透露Mac OS X平台的QuickTime播放器是否也存在同樣的隱患。

  在QuickTime 7.2/7.3(有可能其他版本也受影響)中的高危漏洞存在于QuickTime處理即時流協定(RTSP)中,RTSP是一個音頻/視頻流標準。據賽門鐵克與美國電腦緊急回應組反映,攻擊者通過欺騙用戶訪問某個提供了特別修改過的視頻內容的惡意站點,或者引誘用戶打開電子郵件中修改過的QTL格式文件來實現攻擊。

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來源:綠盟科技 時間:2007-11-26 10:11:33


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來源:綠盟科技 時間:2007-11-26 10:11:41

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Will Dormann and Jason Rafail

This paper will help you configure your web browser for safer internet surfing. It is written for home computer users, students, small business workers, and any other person who works with limited information technology (IT) support and broadband (cable modem, DSL) or dial-up connectivity. Although the information in this document may be applicable to users with formal IT support as well, organizational IT policies should supersede these recommendations.

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資料來源 北京新浪網 (2007-11-26 11:31)

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中廣新聞網 (2007-11-26 13:38)

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高雄縣政府水利局網站被植入惡意連結,最近有瀏覽這個網頁的網友 (最好認真檢查,因為它植入很多惡意檔案),應該要盡速檢查自己的電腦,請各位暫時不要瀏覽這個網站,以免中毒。


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女人國女性購物社群入口網站又被植入惡意連結,此惡意程式為 Trojan-PSW.Win32.OnLineGames.dr,最近有瀏覽這個網頁的網友,應該要盡速檢查自己的電腦,請各位暫時不要瀏覽這個網站,以免中毒。


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台灣小冠鸚鵡俱樂部被植入惡意連結,此惡意程式為 TSPY_LINEAGE.GLP,最近有瀏覽這個網頁的網友,應該要盡速檢查自己的電腦,請各位暫時不要瀏覽這個網站,以免中毒。


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